Crate tls_codec[][src]

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TLS Codec

This crate implements the TLS codec as defined in RFC 8446 as well as some extensions required by MLS.

With the feature derive TlsSerialize, TlsDeserialize, and TlsSize can be derived. Note that TlsSerialize and TlsDeserialize both require TlsSize.

This crate provides the following data structures that implement TLS serialization/deserialization

  • u8, u16, u32, u64
  • TlsVecU8, TlsVecU16, TlsVecU32
  • SecretTlsVecU8, SecretTlsVecU16, SecretTlsVecU32 The same as the TlsVec* versions but it implements zeroize, requiring the elements to implement zeroize as well.
  • TlsSliceU8, TlsSliceU16, TlsSliceU32 are lightweight wrapper for slices that allow to serialize them without having to create a TlsVec*.
  • TlsByteSliceU8, TlsByteSliceU16, TlsByteSliceU32, and TlsByteVecU8, TlsByteVecU16, TlsByteVecU32 are provided with optimized implementations for byte vectors.
  • [u8; l], for l ∈ [1..128]
  • Serialize for Option<T> where T: Serialize
  • Deserialize for Option<T> where T: Deserialize
  • Serialize for (T, U) and (T, U, V) where T, U, V implement Serialize`
  • Deserialize for (T, U) and (T, U, V) where T, U, V implement Deserialize`


use tls_codec::{TlsVecU8, Serialize, Deserialize};
let mut b = &[1u8, 4, 77, 88, 1, 99] as &[u8];

let a = u8::tls_deserialize(&mut b).expect("Unable to tls_deserialize");
assert_eq!(1, a);
println!("b: {:?}", b);
let v = TlsVecU8::<u8>::tls_deserialize(&mut b).expect("Unable to tls_deserialize");
assert_eq!(&[77, 88, 1, 99], v.as_slice());



Errors that are thrown by this crate.


The Deserialize trait defines functions to deserialize a byte slice to a struct or enum.

The Serialize trait provides functions to serialize a struct or enum.

The Size trait needs to be implemented by any struct that should be efficiently serialized. This allows to collect the length of a serialized structure before allocating memory.